St. Mark's Church
Oulton Broad
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About Our Churches
Our team ministry consists of three churches, St. Marks, St. Lukes and St. Michaels, our vision is to be: "A growing Christ centered community, led by the Holy Spirit, worshipping God and making disciples.”
Regular Sunday Services
Bridge Road, Oulton Broad,
Lowestoft, NR33 9JX
First & Third Sunday at 9am
Morning Worship
Second & Forth Sundays 9am
Holy Communion
Informal Worship Every Sunday at 10.45am
Fifth Sunday 9am United Worship
62, Homefield Avenue, Lowestoft,
NR33 9BX
First & Third Sunday at 9.30am
Holy Communion
Second & Forth Sundays 9.30am
Morning Worship
Forth Sunday 4pm
Sunday Mix
Church Lane, Oulton Broad,
Lowestoft, NR32 3JP
First, Second & Forth Sundays 10.45am
Holy Communion
Third Sunday at 10.00
followed by
Breakfast Church