Womens' Groups

Knit & Natter

Join us at both St. Mark’s and St. Luke’s for time of fellowship. If you like to knit or crochet and chatting in the process, come along! St. Mark’s Knit and Natter meets on the first Thursday at every month at 2:00pm. St. Luke’s Knit and Natter meets on the third Wednesday of every month at 2:00pm.

Ladies’ Group at St. Mark’s

St Mark’s Ladies’ Group meets at 2.00pm on the 1st & 3rd Monday of the month at St. Mark’s. There is a varied program which includes interesting speakers, outings, meals and an annual carol service. The club has about 70 members, many of whom do not attend St Mark’s but help out with fundraising events as well. New members are always welcome.

Ladies Guild at St. Luke’s

St. Luke’s Ladies Guild meets on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month at 2:30pm during the summer months and 2:15 during the winter at St. Luke’s. There are interesting speakers, outings, meals and an annual carol service. New members are always welcome.

Ladies’ Strollers

This happens on the third Thursday of the month. The ladies have a varied programme of walks followed by tea/coffee and cake at the end. They meet at 2:00pm at the week’s chosen venue.

Women's Groups..

Have a query, drop us a message here...

Select LocationGeneral EnquiryKnit & NatterLadies Group at St. MarksLadies Guild as St. LukesLadies Strollers
Bridge Road, Oulton Broad,
Lowestoft, NR33 9JX
01502 514774
